Кеноген - ИНТЕНЗИВНО ЛЕЧЕНИЕ Регенерация, Удебеляване, Удължаване
From the fourty-year trichological experience of Vivipharma research comes a specifi cally targeted solution for the need to regrow hair: the KENOGEN® treatment with 500 mg melatonin, in versions for both men and women. Since the remarkable qualities of the Keno-Complex promote the natural regrowth and thickening of the hair, and facilitate its lengthening, the KENOGEN® treatment with 500 mg melatonin is a valuable daily program that restores energy, health and beauty to your hair. The Keno-Complex is a potent hair follicle activator that acts synergistically on the principal factors that promote hair growth:
- inhibition of 5 a-reductase
- increased subcutaneous microcirculation
- dermal regeneration through activation of cell metabolism
- synchronization of the biological clock.